Dyslexic students need to be guided when they are reading maps, graphs, charts, and tables. First, it is important to orient the student to what information is contained in each graphic. Next the student needs to interpret a piece of the information on the visual. For example, an interpretation might be what the title of the visual means.
Maps can be daunting to a dyslexic. Have the dyslexic student take a map apart and look at one piece at a time and then put the whole of the map together. Make sure the comprehension of each piece is clear before putting the whole back together.
Charts can be confusing to many dyslexic readers. Make sure the title is understood to know what information will be gained when reading it. Again, take the chart apart and make sure the pieces are understood. Reading tables is also in the category with charts.
Graphs are probably the most difficult for dyslexics because it is necessary to understand how two pieces come together to give an answer. It will help if the dyslexic traces the information with two fingertips to understand it.
Need a Dyslexic Evaluation? Want to know if your child has dyslexia? Dyslexic Evaluations are available done remotely. For immediate help contact Beth Silver at 310-720-0390 or bethcarolsilver@gmail.com.