Parents confirm that Ed Sage School extends human potential. Sara and Tom Gilmartin, parents of a recently graduated eighth grader said, ” At the Ed Sage School, our son has undergone a complete transformation. He went from being someone who lacked confidence to learn into being someone who is beaming with confidence and who is thriving in his approach to learning and life.”
Human Protentional is extended at Ed Sage School by meeting the individual student’s learning needs and differences. A Student Action Plan is created which lists all of the educational strengths and challenges. Details on how to approach the challenges and support the strengths are written and reviewed each trimester.
The details of the Student Action Plan are used by the students, their teachers, and their parents to create a positive learning environment which produces the best possible achievement levels.
Enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year is now open for grades 5-8. Apply Now. Get more Information. Contact Beth Silver, Head of School at 310-720-0390 or View the Ed Sage School website at