In high school, college, and graduate school students need to take a realistic look at the time commitments that are required for courses.
At the high school level regular courses require from 30-60 minutes of daily homework and learning. Honors courses require from 60-90 minutes of daily homework and learning. AP courses require 90-120 minutes of daily homework and learning. The times may fluctuate, but the course requirements are still expected to be met. Honors courses move at a faster pace than do regular courses. AP courses move at an even faster pace. The AP courses are equivalent to college level courses taught at the high school level.
At the college and graduate school level it is best to plan 2 hours for every credit hour to complete the homework and learning. So if a course is worth 4 credits, then the student can expect to do 8 hours of work outside of class. So someone who is taking 16 credit hours can expect to do 32 hours of work outside of class. 16 plus 32 equals 48 hours. Place that into a calendar and see how it feels!
Questions? Contact Beth Silver. Phone: 310-720-0390.