During the school year from about January until Spring Break, many students experience the school doldrums. This is where their learning is slow or they regress in work habits and learning. Sometimes, students can also be depressed. This is a pattern I have seen over my many years of teaching.
It is very important to encourage students with positive feedback during this doldrums time period. Parents should make sure that their students have all the correct supplies. Sometimes a new highlighter can make a student’s day!
The most important idea for parents is to be patient. Help so the grades don’t slip, and make sure learning is taking place. Think about a special treat – food or event – that would make your student happy. This is one time if you find yourself at the end of your rope with your student- tie a double knot and hang on!
Have a struggling student? Get immediate help. Contact Beth Silver at bethcarolsilver@gmail.com or 310-720-0390.